At a townhall event this week, white advocate and Republican congressman Steve King said that the struggles he’s gone through are similar to those that Jesus Christ went through in his lifetime. King has a history of making disgusting remarks about non-white and non-Christian people, proving that the man has a very clear bias towards people who don’t look like he does, which is pretty much the exact opposite of how Christ lived and died. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Disgraced, Republican Representative Steve King was back in his home state of Iowa this past weekend doing a town hall where he told his fellow Iowans that he's basically been through the same kind of struggles as Jesus Christ according to King, the controversies that he is endured, the attacks that he has endured. Basically just like what Jesus went through on a Good Friday, you know when he was marched through the streets and then crucified and whipped and all of that stuff. Yes, Steve King totally went through that if not even worse. Probably here is exactly what Steve King had to say. And when I have to step down to the floor of the House of Representatives and look up at those 400 and some accusers, you know, we just pass through Easter and Christ passion and I have better insight into what he went through for us. Partly because of that experience. So according to Steve King, having to go speak on the floor of the House of Representatives and look at those 400 people who understand that he is a bigot is basically just like what Jesus went through through Easter.
You know, being nailed up on a cross. Yeah, being called a bigot because you're a bigot is just like what Jesus went through. A, first of all, Steve King obviously has never read an actual Bible. He clearly doesn't know what Jesus was all about. Uh, because Jesus would be one of those people staring down from the a stands. They're judging you probably. I know Jesus isn't supposed to judge, but trust me, you wouldn't be the kind of person he would be like, hell yeah, dude, want to come be an apostle? Now you're the kind of person he would chastise your, the kind of person he would try to fix because you're so screwed up. And obviously what Steve King is referring to, these ordeals that he's been through is one, uh, being stripped of all his committee assignments because he keeps maKing racist remarks every time he does an interview and he doesn't apologize for him.
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