
Prayer for Opportunity | Day 15 of 30 Powerful Prayers for Moms to Prayer over their Children

Prayer for Opportunity | Day 15 of 30 Powerful Prayers for Moms to Prayer over their Children Day 15 SCRIPTURE
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the opportunity to be in relationship with you.



Dear God,

Thank You for Your plans to prosper my children and give them a hope and a future.

I pray that You will enlarge their exposure, experiences, and endeavors. Lord, I pray for open doors and the faith to keep going when they feel shut down and shut out. May their faith rest on the fact that You alone open doors that no man can shut. Let that faith fuel them with zest in their well doing because You promise that they will reap a harvest if they don’t give up.

When they want to give in on their journey toward their goals, remind them that the opportunities they pursue could never compare to the opportunity You’ve given us to be in relationship with You. Lord, I trust Your word in Matthew 6:33. I know that if my children seek You and Your righteousness first, everything they need will be added. May they authentically delight in You. I praise You in advance for giving them the desires of their hearts.

Lord, establish the work of their hands and guide their steps toward the things You’ve created them to do. Thank You for making all things possible. Motivate my children to take advantage of every door You open and praise You for the ones You close. May they trust that all things work for their good and that You are always at work in their lives.

While I pray that You give them opportunities, Lord equip my kids with initiative and ambition. May they be driven to pursue the purposes You have called them to. Give them a grateful heart that doesn’t take any of Your provisions for granted. May my children be humble in their gifts and talents and use them to glorify Your name. Lord, give them a tenacious work ethic. I rebuke the sense of entitlement and speak life to understanding that every good and perfect gift is from You. May their appreciation of life and opportunities be evident in the way they operate with grit, organization, professionalism, and gratitude.

And if I’m completely honest, Lord, I worry about their access to new experiences. God, I want them to travel, attend the universities of their choices and engage in extracurricular activities that align with their passions; but God I feel burdened when I think about the cost of these things. But then I remember that You paid the ultimate cost of our sin, and earthly expenses become irrelevant to eternal life. I know that You are Jehovah Jireh. You made it possible for me to do those things. So Lord I’m trusting You to do the same in the lives of my children. Help my unbelief, Lord. I also know that their life in eternity with You is the MOST important thing. I know heaven will blow their minds and exceed their wildest dreams. Lord, I know that eternity with You will be exceedingly and abundantly above everything I’ve ever asked or thought on their behalves.

Lord, help me to fixate my thoughts on the things which art in heaven. When my thoughts are wayard and doubt creeps in, Lord remind ME of Matthew 6:33. You are INDEED a waymaker, miracle worker, and promise keeper. Thank You for every opportunity that ushers my children closer to achieving their aspirations. But most importantly, God, thank You for sending Your son Jesus in order that my children will have the opportunity to live life with You. Use me to expose them to the fact that there’s no greater joy or experience than experiencing the love of Christ. May their greatest endeavor be building a relationship with You.

In the mighty name of Jesus,



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