
How To Build Courage

How To Build Courage Wake up with Grace: Episode 004

“How To Build Courage”

Show Notes:

These are the powerful phrases you’re going to condition your subconscious mind with this week:

I am courageous.
My life is exciting.
I put back into the world as much energy as I take from it.
I have courage.

These ideas come from one of my favorite spiritual teachers David Hawkins.

What is courage?

Doing what's right even when no one else agrees with you.
Doing something that your family lineage has never done before.
Or leaving the job that you know is sucking the life out of you in order to pursue your passion. All of these things require courage and they also bring energy into your life!

When you start behaving in a courageous way, when you start taking courageous action, your life becomes more exciting. It becomes infused with excitement.

If you find yourself feeling drab or dull or lifeless or bored, these are all signs that you have an energy deficit. A lifeforce deficit..

Of course, there could be deeper issues going on. There could be mental health issues in which case, you would want to speak to a mental health professional and take the appropriate action.

But if this is not something that defines the arc of your life, yet you find yourself feeling depressed at a moment in time, this is indicative of a lack of life force, a lack of excitement and energy. Oe of the quickest ways you can snap out of that is to take a courageous action, to do something which requires courage, to break out of the status quo of your day-to-day ritual. Because this will bring you energy.

All life is a ritual.

It's either a ritual by design or by default it's either a ritual that you're proud of, or one that is not healthy and isn't benefiting us, but all of life is a ritual. We do almost the same thing every day. We think almost the same thoughts every day.

So, it is courageous to break out of that!

It's courageous to think something new.

It's courageous to go against the status quo of your community, and the norms that have been set if , you know are not benefiting you. If you know they're not benefiting us as a collective.

As David Hawkins explains it, courageous people put back into the world as much as they take from it.

Ask yourself, “How can I put back into the world the amount of energy that I have taken from it today?”

And finally, to say, “I have courage” is to affirm the thing that you most want, most desire, the thing that you desire to feel by putting “I have” in front of it, or “I am” in front of it, makes it so. Makes it true in this present moment!

Enjoy your mental freedom and have a wonderful day!

With Love,
Grace Smith



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