
Elegant Meaning - English Word of the Day

Elegant Meaning - English Word of the Day Elegant Meaning - English Word of the Day
Elegant Meaning
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Dipak Varsani
English word of the day -

Meaning: -

• Pleasingly graceful and stylish in appearance, behaviour or manner.
• (of a scientific theory or solution to a problem) pleasingly ingenious and simple.
• An elegant idea, plan, or solution is clever but simple, and therefore attractive.
Synonyms: -
• Sophisticated
• Ingenious
• Intelligent
• Neat
• Deft

Example: -
• It may be dull, but it remains true - if you write good stuff and present it elegantly , then you'll be well read in no time at all.
• This is a fascinating and thought-provoking book, laced with genuine wit and elegantly written.
• It was an elegant solution to a thorny problem.
• She walked elegantly with a lot of grace and presented her outfits stylishly.
Elegant ………………………… Elegant ………………………….. Elegant

Elegant meaning - english word of the day,Elegant Meaning,Elegant definition,Elegant example,Elegant synonym,Elegant pronunciation,meaning of Elegant,definition of Elegant,example of Elegant,synonym of Elegant,pronunciation of Elegant,english terminology,english words,learn new english words,english words source,dipak,varsani,Dipak varsani,

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