So now that you’ve decided to try some Stingray, you now have to clean it. Cleaning a Stingray is very similar to cleaning a Flounder. However, if you’ve never cleaned a Flounder, then check out this video on how to clean a Stingray.
One of the most important things to consider when cleaning a Stingray is to use a sharp fillet knife! These things skin is similar to a shark and can dull a knife after a few cuts. Even with a sharp knife, you still may have to resharpen it if you are cleaning several rays or one really large one.
Stingrays can be sautéed, grilled or fried. Much like shark, it fillets out with ease for preparation and cooking. Here's how to clean and cook your stingray:
There are many different ways to cook stingray. The most popular being to fry the rays in a pan with some oil and breading. Many people find fried stingray to be the tastiest way to prepare it.
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