
Bashar|Darryl Anka has a lot of bullshit in it

Bashar|Darryl Anka has a lot of bullshit in it Darryl Anka has been one of the biggest spiritual teachers of the west, most viewed interview on Buddha at the gaspump and has misinformed quite a few pople.

Primarily that belief creates reality, or that you can create anything you want, if you somehow tune your mind right. Or belief hard or right enough.

Hollywood nonsense.

Reality is not created by 'a someone', it appeared existentially and magically without will, just like a dream that arises, or like the big bang.

.. Reality should be defined as that which always is.

Beliefs can only temporarily change a part of manifestation, of conditional temporary, manifestation.

Beliefs do not create reality, that which is, or pure consciousness.

Some of his quotes:
"You will see when you believe it. Not the other way around."

"In the mindset, the majority of the people will be thinking ‘I hope I pick the winning numbers, I hope I pick the winning numbers, I hope I pick the winning numbers.’ Here’s the key, remember that when you choose your numbers, wether by your own hand, or you allow the machine to randomly choose for you, you are still choosing. But the key is not that you will pick the winning numbers. The key is you will pick numbers you will shift to a reality where those are the winning numbers. You will bend the reality to your numbers, not the other way around. The difference in the mindset is profound, because when you go in saying ‘I hope to pick the winning numbers’, you’re talking about the winning numbers as if it is already decided what they will be. But it’s not. Nothing has been drawn." (dumbest shit I have ever heard)

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is physics."

But mind over matter??

There's always relationship and working together to create something.
You can't just want something and it will happen because life should act as your slave bitch.

I said some things myself in the video I like to clarify:

-A yogi may create a dream from his own mind in imagination, but actually this is not possible, it can happen but must also (largely) arise spontaneously (eastern philosophy teaches that this is not actually good for realizing the absolute).

-Magic.. I guess there's possibility there and it has to do with higher mental abilities or imagination, (I mean art is basically good magic, or just life it self), I guess the question is, is that going to make you happier? Or will it make your life more complicated, increase manipulation, as appose to trust in life, or increase lying.

...Also i don't know if living in a community in nature is better or what people want, I actually like city myself.

Bashar,Darryl Anka,Fraud,Bullshit,The Secret,Manifestation,Law of attraction,

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