
The Real Reason Burger King Is Struggling To Stay In Business

The Real Reason Burger King Is Struggling To Stay In Business Fast food restaurants need to keep up with changing trends, but in recent years, business hasn't been smooth sailing for Burger King. The fast food chain is definitely having some trouble. Why are they in a tough spot? Well, it's a bit complicated...

In November 2018, CNN revealed how Burger King had fallen behind some of its biggest competitors. Part of the problem may have been that the chain was focusing on the wrong thing entirely. Instead of adding new menu items to stoke people's interest, Burger King was relying chiefly on gimmickry.

Take 2018's Halloween stunt, for example. That's when BK released its altogether creepy burger, The Nightmare King.

The ad campaign claimed that this limited-time burger offered a combination of proteins and ingredients that would interfere with sleep patterns and cause nightmares. Does that whet your appetite?

Of course, the actual science was a little questionable, but here's the thing: The promotion undoubtedly got people in the door wanting to give this Nightmare King a try, but it wasn't something that would necessarily keep people coming back. Customers stopped in and purchased their weird burger, but what reason did they have to return to Burger King once the promotion came to an end?

Once The Nightmare King was no more, momentum slowed down and sales once again declined. Ultimately, the gimmicky promotion didn't work as well as, say, creating a brand new Whopper variation that could become a menu staple. Gimmicks are great, but the novelty eventually wears off. What Burger King needs is long-term, devoted customers who love their products and keep coming back for them. Watch the video to learn The Real Reason Burger King Is Struggling To Stay In Business!

#BurgerKing #ImpossibleWhopper

Too many gimmicks | 0:13
The Impossible Whopper | 1:31
Alienating ad campaigns | 2:38
Unhappy Meals | 4:50
Breakfast doesn't count | 6:12
A drop in millennial traffic | 7:46
The numbers game | 8:38
It's not all bad news | 9:49

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