The police took the four suspects in Disha's case into custody and are interrogating them. It is learned that the accused will be undergoing medical tests today. A Special Investigation Team (SIT) headed by Shamshabad DCP will question the accused. The statements of the accused will be recorded and are also being taken to the spot where they sexually assaulted the veterinary doctor. The police will extract the details of every scene and will also question about Disha's mobile phone which has gone missing. It is believed that the police are trying to expedite the case to file a charge-sheet. However, it is not known where the team is going to interrogate the accused. Meanwhile, section 144 has been imposed near Cherlapally to avoid any protests. inally... The brutes deserved it for the inhuman Horrific crime they committed. We will never get back the innocent Disha again... but the next time someone thinks of rape or murder they will also realise the consequences Four culprits were encountered precisely at the same spot where they burnt Disha alive now disha soul will rest in peace As the protests on the veterinarian Priyanka Reddy's murder continues in the two Telugu states, here is what the accused parents have to say when approached by media. Media have questioned A1 accused Mohammad Pasha's parents on Friday itself after knowing him to be charged in the murder case. However, it is learnt that the A1's parents have said that his son has come to home at midnight on Wednesday, which is at same time the doctor got abducted and believed to be murdered after rape, The parents claim Pasha has reached home by 12 and left the house at 3 o clock in the morning. The accused is reportedly have said to their parents that his truck met with an accident.
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