
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Making My Complaint Known Unto God - Praise and Worship

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Making My Complaint Known Unto God - Praise and Worship "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled - Making My Complaint Known Unto God - Praise and Worship"

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019 - 7:00 PM Program

Join Doyle Davidson, Kathie Davidson and Terre Brown on set. Kathie exhorts Gods, people, “You can refuse to be afraid,’ ministering from John 14, “Let not your heart be troubled…” She encourages the Church, according to 1 Peter 4:19, “…committing the keeping of your souls to him in well doing as unto a faithful Creator,.” Doyle shares that although fear has never ruled him, the past eleven years he has experienced what the apostle Paul writes, “fears within, fightings without.” Tonight he makes his complaint known unto God, (Psalm 142), and is expecting the Lord to save him, “I know his word is truth…what he has said he will do, I just want to know when.” Following praise and worship he prays, “Thank you Father, thank you Jesus…mercy, grace…be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Praise and Worship:

The Mai Girls (recorded songs)

“Rejoice For The Steps”

“The War Songs”

“No Other Name”

“It Is Your Love”

“To Him Who Sits on the Throne”

“Great In Power”

Paul Peters (recorded song)

“If That Isn’t Love”

Terry and Kathy Mai (recorded song)

“Come Let Us Worship The King”

Terry Mai and other Water of Life Boys (recorded songs)


“I Am”

“I Am You Said To Me”

“There Stood A Lamb”

“O Come Let Us Sing”

“Only The Redeemed”

“It Is Finished”

Chico Holiday (recorded songs)

“Greater Is He”

Scripture References:

John 14:1,

1 Peter 4:19

All the songs used on today's program can be downloaded, free of charge at:

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Call on that name Jesus, and you'll be saved, born again and joined to the Lord as one spirit.

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©2019 Water of Life Ministries

Gospel,Christian,Worship,Praise,Doyle Davidson,Water of Life,Water of Life Church,Water of Life Church Plano Texas,Water of Life Ministries,Water of Life Singers,Jesus,Paul Peters,Kathie Davidson,Terre Brown,

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