
Is college for me & am I going back? | Health Issues

Is college for me & am I going back? | Health Issues Hey Beloveds! I am back to answer a question literally everyone I know has asked me. With all good intentions they want me to succeed. If anything I learned that college is a choice. When we live in a world that doesn't provide equal rights, college for minorities seems to be a must. I thought I share my experience with you guys and let you know that my perspective on college has changed. I still would love to attend but I am not sure when.

Is college for you? Do you believe that's the ONLY way you will succeed and do well in life? I am here to tell you otherwise. You prosper based on choices you make. Being an entrepreneur doesn't necessarily mean you need to go to school. I am not here to say you shouldn't go but I want you to be confident & willing to make that choice. Don't feel forced or obligated because your parents or peers tell you to. If you do make a choice out of obligation I guarantee you that you may be miserable attending or won't give it your all.

Intro Music: Cartoon - On & On Non copyright music
Outro Music: ""

Stay tuned for my next video!! Why I changed my name to Ami Nation

IG: Ami.nation_xo follow me for more inspiration on life with Christ and relationships. I also upload content on makeup & fashion.


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