Aim: To Make It Clear that Worrying is the sign of Test
Details by THEPRIMELIGHT Production:
The Video Consist of TRANSCRIPTIONS, PARAPHRASES and TRANSLATIONS of Arabic to English language, Visualisation and other highly edited materials solely for the purpose of educating others to gain knowledge
High Editing are made to make it easy for others to understand and learn
-All works belong to The Prime Light Media
We allow anyone to translate our content and reshare videos but the video must remain branded under The Prime Light (with our logo and channel link) all speakers and artists should also be credited in the description,
Video Footage: All footage used in our videos are belong to The Prime Light Media ( All recording done by us) and you are not permitted to cut clips and use in your own videos (without permission ) Please contact us for more information.
Any of the views expressed by the Reciters or Speakers do not necessarily represent the views of The Prime Light or any other projects it may have or intend to do. The Prime Light produces educational Lectures, hence it's affiliates do not advocate nor condone any unlawful activity towards any individual or community.
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