
2019-11-22: SwaCamp Keynote: Beyond the hype: A practical look at models of self-organization

2019-11-22: SwaCamp Keynote: Beyond the hype: A practical look at models of self-organization Titel: Beyond the hype: A practical look at models of self-organization
Vortragender: Daniel Barth, creaffective

Self-organization has become one of the most popular buzz words in the business world. Many people talk about it, but when you ask for details, benefits and purpose, you often get vague answers or blank stares in return. What is the point of models of self-organization like Holacracy and Sociocracy, aside from name-dropping in meetings to sound smart and forward-thinking?

The idea of self-organized teams has been around for quite a while, and even the currently popular models of self-organization are a lot older than you might think. Why is it then that they have become so popular over the last few years? More and more companies attempt to implement agile work methods, to work more closely aligned with user needs and to drive their innovation efforts in general. At the same time, many organizations feel the new workflows clashing with their established structures and their work culture. Can these models of self-organization be a possible solution to this conflict? And if so, what might such a solution look like?

How can we look beyond the hype and the assorted myths about self-organization? My take is that we should forget about organizational charts for the moment and instead focus on more practical matters: Meeting formats and culture, responsibilities and decision making. This is where Holacracy and Sociocracy tackle the conflict of traditional hierarchy and self-organized, agile teams. I would like to share some thoughts and principles as well as my personal experience with self-organization with you, to facilitate discussion and the exchange of ideas.

Über Daniel:
Daniel Barth has been an Innovation Coach at creaffective since 2013. He supports international companies through consulting on the topics of innovation, agility and organization, He leads innovation projects, facilitates workshops and conducts trainings on creativity, innovation and methods of new work. At creaffective, Daniel is also responsible for controlling, continuous improvement and the development of new services and offerings. He is also writing about various topics in magazines, including creaffective’s own online magazine “divergent”. He speaks German, English and Mandarin Chinese.

Aufgenommen von Gerhard Müller / am 23.11.2019 im Rahmen vom 2019 in den Räumen von iteratec, München


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