
How To GET RID Of Chest Fat For Men (Exercises & Nutrition!)

How To GET RID Of Chest Fat For Men (Exercises & Nutrition!) Are you a man over 40 having problems getting rid of annoying chest fat… do you want to make it just go away? Great news guys..I am going to give you tips on how to lose fat, and build muscle in your chest.

There are studies out there that say you can’t target where you want to lose fat on your body, then there are studies that say you can… well I am here to tell you that there are 2 things you want to focus on individually…burning fat and building muscle.

If you want to sculpt your body.. You need to have muscle when you lose that stubborn fat. Here are some tips to burn off stubborn body fat:


This is the most important thing to focus on… It doesn’t matter how hard you work out, if your nutrition isn’t in check then you won’t see the results you want.

You need to start off in a CALORIC DEFICIT.. Just eat less calories than your body burns throughout the day.

ELIMINATE ALL THE PROCESSED FOODS! You don’t need all those toxins and chemicals in your body.. That will make it nearly impossible to get rid of that chest fat.



Check out THIS VIDEO at the 4:15 mark in the video to learn more about carb-cycling and its impact on fat loss.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

There is a key to focusing on where you want to lose fat from… You want to drive a lot of blood into the area that you are trying to eliminate the fat from.. That will help with the fat oxidation.

Doing supersets in your workouts can help you get RAPID RESULTS. For example, pair a cardio exercise like Phantom Jump Ropes with an exercise targeting your chest by doing Standard Push Ups… The short rapid cardio gets your blood flowing and pushups help target that toward your chest.

It isn’t easy to target fat loss in specific areas of the body… but following these tips is going to make it easier for you to lose fat in your chest while building muscle at the same time.

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