
Healed From Carcinoma An Intestine Cancer | Apostle Fabian S. Amutoko | ROSM Eenhana, Namibia

Healed From Carcinoma An Intestine Cancer | Apostle Fabian S. Amutoko | ROSM Eenhana, Namibia During prophecy, as the servant of God Apostle Fabian Amutoko, was moving in the spirit and praying for people.
He notice that there was someone laying on the floor.

He asked :"young lady what is the problem.?"
(he further asked, who came with her?)
Unable to respond loud, the sister who was sitted somewhere in church, stood up and said,
"man of God, i came with her."
She has been diagnosed with intestine cancer.

Ms Oshoveli Vilho has been diagnosed with carcinoma an intestine cancer. And she has been treated at Oshakati state hospital.
With her medical report, the servant of God Apostle Fabian Amutoko asked a doctor to read what is written in the card.

The medical report shows that the cancer has spread to other organs in her body and it is in stage four(4) now.
At this moment, theres nothing doctors can do medically any more a person just need to wait for her last time"the doctor 'narrated '. How sad can this be. Doctors have lost hope in doing more.

But the servant of God Apostle Fabian Amutoko says, because she has stepped in this place and is part of the Exceptional sunday service, her condition will not be like others.
We serve a living God, The God of imposibilities, The one who acts by His own time. The one who brings life to the dead, The one who healed in the days of Lazarus, He is still healing mightily today.

Because of her condition, Ms Oshoveli is unable to sit for long or walk long distance. Drastically lost weight due to lost of appetite, she has no physical strength and looks weak, and because of this shes unable to assist herself.

Apostle Fabian Amutoko took a bottle of the living water and gave Ms Oshoveli to drink four times and sprinkled the rest on her body. As he prayed for her, he said, "may your legs receive strength.
oshoveli touch my legs, and use my legs to assist you to raise and walk."

He further told her that:
"my sister, God is healing you for the salvation of your soul. And you will motivate someone somewhere to believe that God is alive."

As she rose and followed the man of God, the congregation shouted, POWER! in excitement, because this is the Power of God. The same God who rose Lazarus from the dead. The God who brought life to the dead bones.

We celebrate the miracle healing power of God, as He is using his servant to bring deliverance in the life's of His people.

[Family the living water is one that will be out on our cross over night. The water will be available by then, more details about our crossover will be updated on Facebook just keep following us and be updated.]


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