
A Day in the Life of an Amazon FBA Seller Beginner vs. Expert

A Day in the Life of an Amazon FBA Seller Beginner vs. Expert There are some big Amazon FBA mistakes beginners make, and in this video, we show you the honest truth about working on Amazon FBA Full time.

5 Amazon FBA Mistakes:

Passion Product Course Waitlist:

In this video, Ariana and I will share with you how each of our days typically goes.

My Day
I try to structure each day to be as amazing as possible. I wake and do my morning routine. I try to get in some exercise. I either do yoga or go for a jog. After that, I’ll go to the park and write down my to-dos for the day.

As awesome as it is to own an Amazon business, the actual work that goes into that business is pretty boring. It’s basically just me on my computer doing things. It’s really not necessarily the most fun thing to watch. It’s mostly just sending emails, making calls, making decisions, etc. Most of my effort now when I’m working on my business is around launching my second product. I also recently launched a course so a lot more of my time and energy has been going into that.

One of the things I think is really important to get outside and take breaks. Around 1:00 PM, I either go outside and play basketball with a friend or for instance today, I have a private training session with a guy that specializes in body alignment. It’s a workout but at the same time, it helps me with posture which I think is really important.

I usually wait after lunch and after I’ve gotten some exercise to check my email. By reserving the morning time to do my most important tasks, it allows me to grow my business. In the afternoon when I have less energy, I can handle things like an issue on the film being damaged in transit where I just have to send a few different emails. When I’m done checking my emails, I like to get out of my house. From around 3:00 to 5:00 PM, I’m pretty much worthless. My energy dips and I can’t really get a lot of work done. I used to fight that and still grind and do work. But nowadays, I come to the beach or go over to the rings and stretch. What I found is this is where I get my best ideas.

Ariana’s Day
Everything changed when she quit her job to do Amazon full-time. She only used to work on Vino Cards for 1 day/week. Her old daily routine was waking up at 6 AM and then making coffee or stopping by coffee before heading out for work. During her lunch break, she would work on Vino Cards. She comes home to a workout and then cooks some dinner. After quitting her job, she is now able to commit 7/days a week, if needed, working on Vino Cards. Now, her routine is completely different. She wakes up around 7-7:30 in the morning. She makes some breakfast and coffee. After that, she heads out to a coffee shop to work.

Ariana works on her Vino Cards edits. She’s uploading all of the changes she made on the 50 cards on an Excel sheet. She went through each of her cards and made some notes on what she wants to change.

She downloads Photoshop on her computer so she can edit her thumbnails for the YouTube channel that she wants to start. One of the differences between a beginner and an expert is that a lot of beginners want to do everything by themselves. As you get more experienced, it makes sense to hire other people to do tasks that you don’t necessarily need to be doing. You also get better and better at letting go. For Ariana, one of her goals is to do that but she’s doing it herself now because she wants to figure out what her style is and how she wants her channel to look.

Ariana and I will then do different things depending on the night. We’ll get dinner with friends. We’ll go to different classes. She’ll often do yoga or pilates while I do some basketball or jiu-jitsu. Some nights when we’re feeling lazy, we will just stay in and watch some Netflix. We’ve also started doing a little bit of reading at night before going to sleep. One of my favorite things to do is going for a walk, It’s really nice and it helps me clear my head.

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