Over 1.5 million people have shared more than 44 million meals. This World Food Day, we celebrate their stories!
meal,feed,provide,child in need,end hunger,child,children,share a meal,specialized nutritious food,nutrition,together we can end hunger,You can feed hungry children with a tap.,ShareTheMeal,Hunger,World Food Programme,verteilen,den Hunger beenden,per Klick,Kinder,Welternährungstag,geteilt mit,WFP,40 céntimos de Euro bastan para darle de comer a un niño por un día,وجبة,إطعام,طفل محتاج,مكافحة الجوع,بنقرة واحدة,طفل,شارك وجبة غذائية,في حاجة ملحة,yt:cc=on,