
Never scoop again! PetSafe® ScoopFree® Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Never scoop again! PetSafe® ScoopFree® Self-Cleaning Litter Box Ditch your old litter box and Live ScoopFree®. The PetSafe® ScoopFree® Self-Cleaning Litter Box automatically rakes away your cat’s waste so you never have to touch it, smell it or even see it. Learn more -
The ScoopFree® Self-Cleaning Litter Box uses crystal litter, which has 5 times better odor control than traditional clumping litter. Crystal litter is 99% dust free and doesn’t stick to your cat’s paws, which helps keep your floors cleaner. The disposable trays have a lid and are pre-filled with crystal litter. When it’s time to replace your tray, just cover up the litter and throw out the tray.

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