![China : Singapore Police Force is abetting their Chinese citizens to defiant China for Singapore(9) China : Singapore Police Force is abetting their Chinese citizens to defiant China for Singapore(9)](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/egy8zxVYqGc/maxresdefault.jpg)
We found that Singapore Police Force has been seeing IMH for their psychairtic treatments.... Many of them has HIV after sex with Shanmugam and Hong Wee Teck! AIYO GREAT NEWS OF THE DAY!
ANYWAY SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE OFFICERS HAVE ALREADY ADMITTED THEY WANTED TO ALLOW TERRORISTS TO ATTACK SINGAPORE! SHAMELESS SPF! HAHA! We found that AmericanbornSPRsupporterofTanChengBock DID NOT COPY AND PASTE STATEMENTS AND WE WANT TO KEEP PEOPLE BUSY WITH COMMENTS WITHOUT RESPONSE BECAUSE WE KNOW EITHER SUPPORTERS, FRIENDS, COLLEAGUES, NEXT OF KINS OR SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE THEMSELVES WILL LIKE TO TALK BIRDS,IN ORDER TO SEE HOW SUPPORTIVE TOWARDS SINGAPORE SUPER FUCKING PROSTITUTES AND GIGOLOS POLICE FORCE. WE AS JURONG WEST COMPLAINANTS OF 274B WILL KEEP ALL VIDEOS ON AND ON.. UNTIL SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN FOR NOT UPDATING SUBORDINATE COURTS OF ALL OUR POLICE REPORTS AGAINST THE VANDALISM HAPPENED IN OUR BLOCK! WE WERE SUPRISED TO KNOW THAT EVERYTHING WAS UNHEARD UNTILL WE RECEIVED MANY DVDS from our letterboxes, SHARING LINKS, WHATSAPP GROUP, Google drive, words of mouths, printed papers by posting to people House, etc etc etc.. We vow to create many accounts so that we log out of everything as we HECKCARE WHOEVER FUCK YOU ARE, BY LAUGHING AT YOUR SUPPORTIVE COMMENTS FOR SINGAPORE POLICE INNOCENT BIRDIES... OUR INTENTION IS TO WASTE YOUR GOOD TIME TO FLOOD IN WITH ALL COMMENTS SINCE WE DONT NEED TO RESPONSE... HAHAHA.. Enjoy flooding in with comments bcos we heckcare your shitty supportive for Singapore police force since Singapore police force cannot even stop us from creating many accounts.We only know copy and upload everything of cos we want to waste super idiots from Singapore Police Force time investigating on where we get all the free WiFi... Enjoy tracing the WiFi... Everything is originally from old account of nabpoliceofspore since 2012.Can be copy and paste.Keep all video alive.
go listen to a video called, Don t be surprised if you see your friends pictures ..You will hear Soh Chee Eng admits he has no proof to prove Wong San San is the one. The HanTeck Kwang dares not surrender himself to the Courts, after knowing himself committed offences under Officials Secrets Acts. And he manages to list Wong San San as mental offender,by collaborating with Institute of Mental Heal to falsely accuse Wong San San is a sick offender, so that ALL HER POLICE REPORTS WILL BE IGNORED.THAT S WHY ALL WONG SAN SAN s POLICE REPORTS HAVE NOT BEEN INVESTIGATED SINCE 2007. The Sia Cheong Yen suddenly ask Wong San San whether she feels Singapore Police Force is trying to set her up , in Chinese language. Please ask yourself, You got see the Singapore Police Force asks all offenders a question like this, huh? If no, then obviously, Singapore Police Force knows Wong San San is totally innocent from the start, just that they want to finish Wong San San off.. For your information, Sia Cheong Yen is staying in a HDB block located at Jelapang Road, 3 floor while his next of kin stays at the same block of his, 11 floor. His Identification card ends with SXXXX251Z. His handphone number is +65 92992406. This audio recordings were done on 3rd July 2006, a year before Wong San San committed offences for Vandalism.The Singapore Police Force are always Wong San San s family wreckers, as the Singapore police officers HATE WONG SAN SAN for complaining against them too much, that the Singapore Police Force decided to make Wong San San to be the scapegoat for all unfounded past vandalism cases from August 2005 to 7th July 2007.Please continue to listen to all audio recordings besides this video.especially for her conversation with Sia Cheong Yen, one video called, Singapore police force s lying investigation on Wong San San s crime is OUT Secondly, please go listen to two particular videos in which Wong San San had secretly taped all her conversations with two witnesses.Her witnesses are, one is her former employer who was once a victim of crime that he knows how Singapore Police Force always falsely accuse all offenders even though the offenders themselves repeatedly said they were not involved of all those previous cases.but the Singapore Police Force asked her former employer(the person who was once a victim of crimes) to sign to all agreements to ensure all the past crime cases to throw everything at the same offender.In Wong San San s conversation with her former employer, it was in Chinese. So get your Chinese friends to translate everything to you in English.For this particular conversation with her former employer, please look for a video called , Wong San San s former employer witness 1 (the once a victim of crimes) Another witness was Wong San San s former secondary school teacher whom Wong San San was very closed with.
Chinese how to vandalise when she not there???Singapore police MUST BE patients from IMH🤣🤣🤣🤣