
Why You Care About Men That Don't Care About You

Why You Care About Men That Don't Care About You Why You Care About Men That Don't Care About You

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So ladies, let's talk about why you care about the men that don't care about you. It's one of the sad things about human beings. Naturally, when somebody doesn't like us, we end up liking them. This is not for everyone though. Not everyone gets triggered like this, some people when you don't like them, they hate you more and I'm like that too sometimes.

There are two ways to get my attention: you either become a source of value or a threat. What is a threat? A threat to my self-esteem and a threat to my self-image. Those two are the only ways that you could get my attention.

The threat of my self-esteem is a greater motivator to get me to start chasing you than the thought of you making me happy or the thought of you fulfilling my fantasies. If you broke my heart and then two women want to be my girlfriend, I'm still gonna go with you because of my emotions. Even if the 2 women are pleasurable, the pain needs to go away.

Naturally, you focus on what's threatening and what could affect your self-esteem so when somebody rejects you, your mind lasers in on them. It's like you focus on them that they have something you want which is your self-esteem. It's kind of like you're attracted to them but in reality, you're trying to get something that's yours. They have nothing to do with it.

This is why I tell guys that when they're with women, don't be goofballs. Instead, be serious and be more focused because what happens is that she can't really read what's inside of him and she can't really tell if a guy likes her or not because the guy is so focused and serious. What happens is that the woman then will begin to try to get signs that he likes her--she'll start flirting and try to get a reaction to seeing whether or not he likes her. If a guy doesn't give her the reaction, she tries even more and she chases even harder. That's what happens.

Those guys that are not paying attention to you, what's going on is your ego is getting hurt and your ego cannot accept that. Your ego focuses on them and that's why you can't focus on anything else because your ego is focused on fixing that problem.

Those guys are just hurting your ego and you're being led to chase. Usually, the guys that do that, they're not doing it consciously. It's not like it's their strategy, usually when they do that is because they don't like you. What's going on is they're hurting how you see yourself so what you got to do is to change the way you see them. You got to realize that they're not that special. Bring some logic in your brain and try to think of them in a logical way. When you begin to get a realistic picture of the person, an encompassing picture of who they are from death to birth, that is the most logical way to view someone. Sometimes, that rational thinking snaps you out of it and you stop liking them.

This will give you some perspective, improve your sense of proportion so that you don't see them as incredible people but you shrink them down to normal size and what you'll notice is that they're not as special. It is what is it.

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