
The Psychology of Females

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Churchill’s Headmaster: The ‘Sadist’ Who Nearly Saved the British Empire

How to Judge People By What They Look Like

The Silent Rape Epidemic: How the Finns Were Groomed to Love Their Abusers

J. Philippe Rushton: A Life History Perspective

Race Differences in Ethnocentrism:

At Our Wits’ End: Why We’re Becoming Less Intelligent and What It Means For the Future:

Baron-Cohen, S. (2002). The extreme male brain theory of autism. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6: 248-254.

Badcock, C. (2003). Mentalism and mechanism: Twin modes of human cognition. In Crawford, C. & Salman, C. (Eds). Human nature and social values: Implications of Evolutionary Psychology for Public Policy. Erlbaum.

Weisberg, Y., DeYoung, C. & Hirsch, J. (2011). Gender differences in Personality across the ten aspects of the Big Five. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 178.

Simonton, D. (2009). Varieties of (scientific) creativity: A hierarchical model of domain-specific disposition, development, and achievement. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4: 441-452.

Abdelrasheed, N., Al Mashikhi, K., Dutton, E., Bakhiet, S. & Lynn, R. (2019). Sex Differences in Intelligence on the Advanced Progressive Matrices among 15 to 18 year-old Students in Minya Governorate, Southern Egypt. Mankind Quarterly, 59: 394-405.

Van der Linden, D., Dutton, E. & Madison, G. (2018). National-Level indicators of androgens are related to the global distribution of number of scientific publications and science Nobel prizes. Journal of Creative Behavior,

psychology,sex,intelligence,gender,neuroticism,conscientiousness,openness,agreeableness,altruism,woman's intuition,

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