
The Vibration of Unconditional Love REVEALED 3 Secrets that will change your life

The Vibration of Unconditional Love REVEALED 3 Secrets that will change your life Once The 3 SECRETS of Unconditional Love are REVEALED everything INSTANTLY Changes. Unconditional Love is your TRUE Vibration. This video I'll show you EXACTLY how to access it.

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This video, I'm going to share with you the vibration of unconditional love and the 3 secrets that will change your life if you begin to apply them today.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this video, I'm going to be sharing with you the three secrets that can change your life forever.

When it comes to unconditional love, this is very different from the way that we normally think about love, but as you know on that scale of consciousness that I share in many different videos, a love is one of the higher vibrational emotions and it's actually the core of who we really are...

But we grow up thinking we are these separate little egos and then we put conditions on what it takes to be happy.
Think about how funny that is, so we put conditions as to what it takes for us to be happy.

We put rules in our mind that says, if this person does this, then I will feel love. If I do this, then I can feel love if I accomplish this and I can feel love instead of knowing it can be unconditional.

And by letting go of those rules, we feel loved more than ever. So think it's just like why not get rid of the rules? Why not get rid of the conditions and just feel love. But B, it's because the ego likes to attach itself to things. So when I thought I wouldn't do as well is I got this really cool air bnb right now with my buddy victor and we are.

I'm here for like three days. Uh, this is where I'm filming videos. I kind of show you, just figured I'd show you. We're behind the scenes type stuff. It's about, it's one of the balconies right over here.
Um, I'll kind of show you this is so it's got like a lot of these houses in California have like these stairs that come up.

If it's like an upstairs unit, real open floor plan. I love that. And then I'm over here. I'll show you. There's like this really nice balcony thing. This is like the room that I'm in it and then we go upstairs right over here like this. Let's not do it. Hi. Okay, look, there's, yeah, they want to show him upstairs real quick. So yeah.

So I was like, okay. I'm gonna film a video. He came out here, he's doing his brainstorming. This is up here. This is really cool. I was up here last night, but it was kind of rainy. It's Kinda hard to sit. It's really cool. The stars were out. So I'm going to go back downstairs because the um, it's too bright up there.

Okay. Bra scene a little bit by, okay, cool. So when it comes to this process, turn this around real quick. As I just hit my knee really hurt. Okay. So when it comes to conditional love, Whoa, look like I sent it into an Avatar or something. When it comes to like unconditional love, it's who we naturally are and we just have these rules in our mind as to what it takes for us to be happy and what it takes for us to love other people.

Now the, the key to this also has a certain level to do with presence. Not like gift presence, presence, like being present to the moment just being, because when you're just being, you're not projecting yourself to the past or the future, the past of what should have happened but didn't, or the future of what you want to happen and you're able to just be present to the moment.

So there's also have a correlation between just being and accepting the present moment and feeling unconditional love. Now let me share with you how this has shown up in my own life. Well, recently I realized that I have certain expectations and rules as to what certain people in my life need to do and how they need to communicate with me in order for me to feel love for them.

So I became aware of this actually a couple of days ago and that's kind of what inspired me to make this video. But I realized that I had expectations for someone to process emotions in a similar way that I did and like to communicate that with me. But what I realize is that I was putting conditions on this person and I was in my mind saying that if you do this the way that I expect you to do it, then I can love you.

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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