
Moon pledges to establish prosperous 'peace economy'

Moon pledges to establish prosperous 'peace economy' 문 대통령, "평화로 번영 이루는 평화경제 구축할 것”

Sticking with the South Korean leader's wide-ranging National Liberation Day speech.
President Moon also talked about his vision to establish a new growth engine in South Korea based on he has labeled as the "peace economy".
The president made the ambitious pledge of achieving "One Korea" by 2045.
Lee Min-sun reports.
President Moon Jae-in, marking Liberation Day, highlighted the importance of turning the nation's geopolitical position into a strength, and using it to uphold peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia, connecting the continent with the ocean.
And that can happen by combining the powers of the two Koreas.
"I pledge to solidify denuclearization and the peace regime on the Korean Peninsula during my term in office. I pledge to solidify the foundation so that we can stand tall in the world as one Korea by achieving peace and unification by 2045, which will mark the 100th anniversary of liberation."
And before reaching that centennial of Korea's liberation,... the president also pledged to solidify the foundations of inter-Korean cooperation by promising to host the joint 2032 Seoul-Pyeongyang Olympics.
Sharing his vision of "peace economy" to capitalize on a denuclearized Korea and inter-Korean partnership,... the president boasted that the unified Korea can become one of the six largest economies in the world and enjoy a GDP per capita of 70-to-80 thousand U.S. dollars around the year 2050.
Referring to the doubts that resurfaced over North Korea's firing of short-range projectiles,... Moon said the "momentum for dialogue remains unshaken",... a significant result of the administration's work towards peace on the Korean Peninsula.
And he said the soon-to-come working-level talks between Pyeongyang and Washington will "probably constitute the most critical juncture" in the peace-building process,... calling for all possible support to make them a success.
"When we pass this hurdle, denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will move closer and inter-Korean relations will also make significant strides. When economic cooperation accelerates and the peace economy begins, unification will beckon as a stark reality before us someday."
The president said that by achieving prosperity through peace, it is possible to fully accomplish liberation through a unified Korean Peninsula.
Lee Min-sun Arirang News.

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