
'I'm a country girl!': Old lady refuses to sign ticket, tries to escape & resists arrest

'I'm a country girl!': Old lady refuses to sign ticket, tries to escape & resists arrest Here is a body camera footage of an Oklahoma police officer writing a ticket for a 65-year-old driver for a broken tail light – that quickly turns into a bizarre situation.

The lady refused to sign the ticket multiple times, then started swearing and tried to escape making the officer chase her and hold her at a gun point. She tried to resist when he dragged her out of the car and even when he tased her.

“Oh, I didn’t run, I told you you weren’t going to arrest me”- she says in the end of the video.

Local media reports that later the lady was released on $10,000 bond.


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RT,Russia Today,body camera footage,Oklahoma police,tail light,bizarre situation,viral video,tasing,tasing old lady,country girl,

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