
Fish that HIT like a Bomb!

Fish that HIT like a Bomb! Yo guys!

Hows the thumbnail 😂😂
Last couple of vids didn't go to well view wise so i thought id stir it up with some solid photoshopping hahahaha. seriously though the bite on these guys is wild, very similar to barramundi actually.

This is the first of a 3 part series to this amazing place chasing the amazing Murray cod. It hasn't rained out there for over a year so the drought situation is pretty full on. we saw a lot of dead livestock, fingers crossed it rains soon so the fish don't meet the same fate..


Nicks music-

My rods-

My line-

My hooks-

My sunglasses-

Cheers for watching guys hope you enjoyed! please don't forget to subscribe, turn that bell thing on and even leave a comment, it all helps!

cheers, Brooksy.

cod,fishing video,drought,gorge country,

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