
Faith Worship - Greg Clur - A Preferred Future

Faith Worship -  Greg Clur - A Preferred Future Message by Greg Clur
Title: A Preferred Future

- The voice of God is superior to all other voices in our lives
- If we do not approach our lives with deliberate intention, our lives become a high-risk experiment
- God does not promote us on our gifts - He promotes us based on our faithfulness
- When you hear from God, you have to listen with your heart and spirit
- We have to obey the instruction from God in order to step into our preferred future

- John 10:10
- God is looking for effective and impactful people
- Matthew 25:14-30
- To each person, a talent was given and he was required to multiply it according to his ability
- Pursue the purpose that God has given you
- Receive your instruction and then act!

Joshua 1:2-9
- Joshua’s victory came from faith in God and the instruction of the Word
- Joshua didn’t just get a revelation of the future, he acted on it!
- Just because we are walking into the Lord’s preferred future for us doesn’t mean that there won’t be obstacles - there were giants in the Promised Land

1. The Lord has ordained a preferred future for you
- do you believe that?
- Joshua 1:2
- Joshua had to cross over to get to the Promised Land
- Joshua had to take instruction and leave where he was to enter into his preferred future
- If we want a preferred future, we have to look with faith
- Your preferred future is ordained for you but you have to go and get it
- Use the Word of God and step out
- We cannot rely on our past successes, they only get us so far - do it God’s way first
- Paul had to change from the instruction of religion to the instruction of the spirit
- If you don’t know where you are, you’ll never leave there
- If you put vision in front of provision, there will be adequate provision
- God’s way is bigger and better than our way
- Leviticus 26:3-12

2. We have to go God’s way in order to step into our preferred future
- Joshua 5:6
- What Red Sea moment have you experienced in your life?
- There is a new experience that awaits you that is better than anything you have ever experienced before - but you have to first cross over
- What is in your past that is holding you back? It’s only an issue if you allow it to be an issue
- The only way we can go to our preferred future unblemished is by going through the cross of Calvary

John 3:16 (AMPC)
"For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life."
- The Lord is at work within us, nobody else
- When we go God’s way, we are walking through a doorway called the Kingdom of God and it can only function the way that God ordained it to - and that is by the Word
- To experience the life God intended for us, we have to live by the Word
- In this preferred future is freedom

3. We are designed to operate by faith, courage, and love
- Joshua wasn’t bothered about his reputation, he was focused on his instruction from God

- Psalms 37:23
- Proverbs 3:5-6
- Philippians 4:13
- Psalms 37:3

- Our futures are a spiritual land claim
- Where are you in the execution of your future?
- Moving into our future means that there will be obstacles that we will face
- Joshua 2:9-11
- People fainted and feared not because of the might of the people but because of the might of their God
- We cannot be a spectator of our future but God must go before us
- Get obstacles out of the way by allowing the Lord to work through you

4. We must remain in the presence of God
- The Israelites got out of slavery in Egypt but they were not truly free because they weren’t living in consistent obedience
- Joshua 3:3
- Joshua 3:11
- Religion can't help us, the miracle comes in the presence of God!
- God designed us to function in His presence
- Stay in the presence of God by being in the Word, prayer, fasting and daily communion with Him!,RBIAfrica,Beyond Adveture,FaithTv,Faith Broadcasting Network,

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