
Dumbbell Progress, Concurrent Tips, Pullups (Q&A)

Dumbbell Progress, Concurrent Tips, Pullups (Q&A) 0:03 Can you build a great chest with a strong touch and go bench?
1:42 How do you recommend to deadlift with concurrent?
3:03 Hey Alex, if i can recover better and progress faster with a box squat instead of a traditional full ass-to-grass back squat should i continue with the box squat even if i am approaching intermediate phase ?
4:13 What are your experiences with one-arm DB presses? Can they work well as assistance/secondary presses?
5:04 Hey Alex. Do very high rep band face pulls have similar benefits to the shoulders like band pushdowns for elbows? Thanks.
5:25 Squat 3x a week, 1 peak set of 20 reps? Warm up by doing sets of 10 from an empty bar, adding weight every session. Sounds like fun?
6:13 Can deadlifts and leg press give you the same leg gains as squats and deadlifts ?
7:01 What is the best way to progress dumbbell exercises the 5 pound increments are too high as a novice ..especially on dumbbell shoulder press ..
8:09 Very high reps (100,200 in one set, curls,extensions) for forearms?
9:05 What do you think about concurrent periodization for teens?
10:01 Whats your opinion on doing backoff sets after your max effor lift? Like if you did a 1 rep max then 3x5 with 80% , 3 rep max 3x8 , and 5 rep max 3x10 ? ( the backoff the same exercise as the maxeffort)
11:06 Do you ever have bad workouts? Like where you're kinda tired and even the first set is a struggle? What do you do about it?
12:46 Hey Alex, I’ve been training for 4 years and my body has lost body fat everywhere else except my stomach. Any help with this? Thanks
14:13 I can't do a single pull-up because 1 i'm weak and 2 i'm kind of overweight at around 25% bf i'm currently on a caloric deficit to lose some fat and re-comp. What do you think is a better way to build pull up strength? Assisted pull-ups using a machine or bands or doing negatives or is there a better way other than these two?
15:28 Hey Alex ive hit a huge plateau in pullups, i cannot get past 5x5 with 25lbs and my all time best is 13 strict dead hang pullups, ive been stuck at this for about 4 months, i am 6’4 at 225lbs


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Disclaimer: AlphaDestiny is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. AlphaDestiny will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

strong bench,touch and go chest,deadlift concurrent,box squat recovery,one arm dumbbell,ohp carryover,band face pull,squat 3x,20 reps,deadlifts leg press,dumbbell exercises,high reps,x100,concurrent tips,concurrent teen,max effort,bad workout,pullup plateau,db plateau,

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