A very quickly made video about some of the advantages of building a shelf layout in an average 8ft x 10ft room! Although there is nothing wrong with a "table" type layout, there are some advantages to the around the room shelf style as it expands the available space to allow for larger radius curves, etc. One of the potential issues with a shelf layout though is the ability to get into the room if the shelf is placed around the entire room. My layout, the Panther Valley RR, has the entrance way in a corner so I have situated the track plan to allow the layout to be open near that corner. BUT, many rooms do not have that ability as the door opens straight from a wall into the room. So I mentioned that there are several videos on my own site that I have collected within a playlist called "Bridging the Entrance. I mention one of these in this video that is described and shown as to its construction by Deryk Glass. The video within the playlist is titled "MAKING MY LIFT OUT" parts 1 and 2. Before "shelving" the liftout idea at least watch this one! And yes the pun was intended :) To be honest, this idea has inspired me to actually rethink NOT having a bridge to create a full loop mainline around my own room layout! Thanks for watching and please Subscribe and Like :)