This child undergone an operation in the head...then she prayed that the Lord will heal her...after she was operated,the first time she opened her eyes,she saw a person standing at the door in a white garment with a crown floating on his head.That strange white angel-looking creature approached her and told her that he is her friend.From then on, every night, that angel will come and visit her and take her to places which is far differebt from this earth..which the angel said it was heaven.She saw gold and bright houses and golden asphalt.Angels worshipping and singing.She even saw her father who just passed away in a younger age...for her father was asked by her family to repent and receive the Lord before it died.The angel show her aldo the judgment throne of Christ terrifying hell and the things that are yet to come on Earth.Truly..this is the fullfillment of the prophecy of prophet Joel: Joel 2:28 (NET) After all of this I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your elderly will have revelatory dreams; your young men will see prophetic visions!