For legal purposes I must say this is for entertainment only and should be viewed and treated that way.
Believe in yourself and believe in what you can manifest!!!
Donating is not mandatory but I'd be more than thankful!!! I'll use this to better the channel and get more equipment for you guys!!! :D
(Remember donations are final though,if you're unsure you don't have to donate.)
If you want a reading you can find me here: lightworktarotforu@gmail.com
Let me know what kind of reading you want.If you have a question send me some info on where you want me to focus.
10 €-General or Monthly reading: covers -Past,Present and Future states,Love,Work/Career/University/College etc and Finance plus some additional messages.
5€-3 card reading:Classic Past,Present Future.Self Discovery.
10€-Option Reading - if you are stuck between options we can see what will happen in each option,or we can see what will happen if you follow through that option and if not.
-Self Discovery are Positive Messages,1 card readings etc. (let me know if you want one card it's 2€)
15€-Custom Reading. (modifying the reading depending on your question)
I won't do:
- Medical Questions,Death Questions (if you feel unwell visit your doctor please!)
-Lottery. (no gambling questions.)
-Yes or No questions. (Tarot can give Yes or Nos but I don't prefer these questions.)
Just like I said you can find me via e-mail!
Keywords: Tarot,Tarot Reading,Motivation,,Entertainment,Card Reading. #tarot #tarotreading #possitivemessage