
Sadguru Nannagaru insists to boldly face the problems in life

Sadguru Nannagaru insists to boldly face the problems in life Sadguru Nannagaru insists to boldly face the problems in life

As a sugarcane crushing machine crushes the sugarcane inorder to extract sugarcane juice, sometimes even the destiny (prarabdha karma) crushes our lives. However we must face the prarabdha willingly without any fuss. If you donot face the toughest problems in life, the mind cannot get introverted. If you get elated on being praised or if you get dejected on being blamed, it implies that you lack the basic (LKG) spiritual status. What is there in the books? You must face the problems. You must face the life. You must face the prarabdha (destiny). You must develop the ability to forbear the lashings of the prarabdha (destiny). Some people have a very smooth life without any problems. However some people face the lashings of the prarabdha. So they must learn to forbear them. Difficulties and disappointments keep coming in the domestic life. When you are unable to face them, you will run away from life. Meerabai has defined the word Purusha. As per Meera, the indwelling Narayana who resides in everyone's heart is referred to as Purusha (Supreme God). Narayana alone is the Purusha, everyone else belong to Prakriti (nature). It is Narayana, who drives everyone's lives according to their prarabdha karma. Irrespective of their sex (men or women), whoever secures the Narayanaswaroopa become Purusha. The scriptures declare that people with discrimination, dispassion, immense courage, ability to forbear any amount of suffering, ability to withstand hill like problems- they alone can attain the Purusha. The Kathopanishad said that the lazy, the timid and the foolish cannot attain the Purusha. Our problems are all very petty. As a person easily crosses doorstep, one should overcome the toughest problems in life. By reading the biographies of great personalities like Linclon, Gandhi etc we come to know how they overcame such tough problems in life. There are people who became cabinet ministers after having experienced acute poverty. Their poverty was so extreme that they didnot even possess a plaintain leaf to take food and so took their food on floor accordingly. They came up in their lives due to self effort. So how can we escape from life? Had they escaped from life, how could have they become the Cabinet ministers? Sometimes you are surrounded by hardships from all the four directions resembling a hand that is placed in the hook of a door and pressed. You may not find anyone who can resolve them. In such a situation, one thing is totally forgotten that 'there is Ishwara'. It is Ishwara who drives everyone's life. The entire creation is within His control. You have forgotten the fact that there is Ishwara who will resolve your problems. Hence you start worrying. There is no point in reading any amount of vedantic books in life. If you want to take bath in a sea, you must ignore the waves and proceed. Similarly you must move forward in life by remaining unaffected even in the midst of critical problems. You must not run away from the problems in life. They get resolved by themselves. The most critical problems get resolved in the process of time. Time is the greatest healer. It has resolved many critical problems. The reason for narrating all these things today is to convey that you should have some practicality in life. 'The greatest thing is to stop worrying'. The most important lesson to be learnt in life is the ability to remain calm in the midst of any kind of critical problems.

Source: 6th Sep 2015 Jinnuru

Sadguru Nannagaru,problems in life,boldly,face,

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