Yesterday, I posted a video entitled, "ECONOMIC COLLAPSE is IMMINENT!!!!! Storing crackers in mylar and buckets, how I do it.". In the description box, I apologized for the click bait title and explained that I wanted to see if it would get more views than usual. Watch how it went. What does this say about us as preppers? Are we helping our community with this type of title on a constant basis? What does it say about us as preppers that so many of us click on the click bait titles before we click on a video on self defense or storing food or learning a skill? I don't have 'THE' answer, but I do have some opinions, and even more questions. I'd love to see this as a topic in a livestream. 20190411 ClickBaitTitles
being prepared,preps,emergency preparedness,save money,how to,freeze dried food,survival,SHTF,shit hits the fan,how to freeze dry,Harvest Right Freeze Dryer,clickbait,click bait,economic collapse is imminemt,economic collapse,roadkill,greedy preppers,greed,selling out,making money on you tube,