If you have questions, please post them in the comment section below the video. We will be releasing an informative video about honey bees every Friday or Saturday, so stay connected for more!
In this video, I discuss the following topics:
1) What are my thoughts on a single deep brood box with a queen excluder and multiple honey boxes?
2) What about Record Keeping, some beekeepers write on covers etc... What kinds of information is noted? What about Hive Scales and Sensors?
3) What do I do if it starts to rain, will the bees be ok?
4) Do you have any thoughts on or experience with Horizontal Hives?
5) What is the best glue to use when putting bee boxes together.
6) I burned a hole in my bee suit veil, Can I buy some mesh to fix it?
7) Why don't you want your bees to rob out failed hives?
8) Where do you get package bees?
9) How did your hives fair during the recent storm system?
Please feel free to post your own questions, thank you to those who have posted questions in the past. Happy Easter Weekend!
Item links are posted below:
Water PROOF Wood Glue:
Water Resistant Wood Glue:
BroodMinder Hive Scale:
Guardian Bee Vented Suit (Tell them Frederick Dunn sent you): Best vented suit with a zippered veil:
Where I get my bees, two different sources:
Bee Weaver Survivor Bees:
Mann Lake (if you don't need a delivery date):
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