☆☆Recently I have been feeling so grateful for all of you and all of the amazing things that have been happening. I'm so thankful for all 1.13k of you as well as having dual citizenship, and everything else that has been so positive, so thank you☆☆
listen to steady mob on SoundCloud
If you enjoyed this video, make sure to like it! Subscribe to see more of me every week, and turn my post notifications on to make sure that you get notified every time I upload a new video. If you are feeling fancy, share this video with a bud. ILY to the fullest. Also, if you have any questions feel free to comment them below and I would be happy to answer!!
Instagram -
Dote - @charlieroe
Twitter- @charroselie
age - 18
height - 5'4
birthday- November 1, 2001
I just want to add in one last thing, and that is that you are all so loved and if anyone is feeling sad or upset about anything feel free to DM me so that you have someone to talk to. I also love each and everyone so much, and your recent support means the world to me ♡♡
Previously, I was a foreign exchange student and studied in Milan, Italy for 5 months. I went to a public high school and met a ton of people. I made weekly videos documenting my experience, but now that I'm home I just kinda film whatever I want. I hope that you enjoy these types of videos, okay that's it, I love you and appreciate you
Camera: cannon SX730 HS