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In this Clash Royale challenger pushing video, i am on my level 4 clash royale account trying to find out what the best card is for Free to play players, this deck is going to rock your world. if you get a chance to use this deck let me know how it works out for you!
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I love Clash Royale and anything related to Clash Royale, This game has literally taken over my life and is one of the funnest mobile strategy games in the world right now. Balloon is probably my Favorite card, but that can change daily between Miner, Hog Rider, or Log ( only cuz building the log was one of my favorite build videos) Don't be scared to ask me any questions in the comments or let me konw what you think about the video. I am trying to max all my Legendaries right now and I am so close to maxing my entire clash royale account on my Main account.
#clashroyale #loganplays #mysonplays #nyteowlplays #nyteowl #maxaccount #progameplay #newdeck #arenadeck #bestcard #bestgamemode