
Mutually beneficial cooperation with the Council of Europe in the sphere of anti-corruption

Mutually beneficial cooperation with the Council of Europe in the sphere of anti-corruption In the light of the ratification of the Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Council of Europe on December 30 last year regarding the privileges and immunities of representatives of the Group of States against corruption and members of assessment groups, the Executive Secretary of GRECO Gianluca Esposito arrived for the first time in Kazakhstan.

Having visited the Digital CSC, the Customs Clearance Center, the «Antikor ortalygy» Service Center, the Supreme Court Situational Center, and the «iKomek» Center, Gianluca Esposito was impressed by the digitalization of government bodies and noted that digitalization is one of the ways to reduce corruption.

During a visit to «Аntikor ortalygy», the guest praised the full transition to the open space format of the Anti-Corruption Agency Department for the city of Nur-Sultan. “The decision to switch to a transparency format is not only an indicator of openness, but also an example for other law enforcement agencies,” said D. Esposito.

On January 16, Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alik Shpekbayev, met with the Executive Secretary of GRECO with the participation of representatives of competent state bodies.

The Head of the Anti-Corruption Agency expressed gratitude for supporting the entry of Kazakhstan into GRECO, and also spoke about the latest anti-corruption novels of the country.

“I am sure that membership in the organization will give impetus to the further improvement of the anti-corruption legislation of Kazakhstan and the practice of law enforcement and other state bodies of the country,” said Alik Shpekbayev.

He also noted that the greatest interest for our country is the accession to the Council of Europe Convention on the criminal liability for corruption and its early ratification, which will allow for more effective cooperation with foreign partners.

In turn, Esposito spoke in detail about the advantages of joining GRECO, the principles of work within the framework of the initiative, on the specifics of monitoring and Council of Europe conventions in the fight against corruption.

Following the visit of the Executive Secretary, a press conference was held for Kazakhstani journalists. The speaker explained in detail the monitoring procedures of GRECO and the opening opportunities for entry of Kazakhstan.


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