
Luzbelheim gets banned from GDQ after all! (Strong opinions ahead, please be warned!)

Luzbelheim gets banned from GDQ after all! (Strong opinions ahead, please be warned!) This video has some political opinions, I'm sorry! I hate covering politics of any kind!

I get into a bit of an off topic rant about censorship, so if you're trans or not binary and this video is triggering, I apologise in advance, I didn't meant it (not that I don't mean what I say, I don't mean to cause harm).

So I originally praised GDQ for at least not banning this man. Well, apparently media got to them and he was silently banned after all.

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give Mirta a repetitive dollar:

give Mirta a single dollar:

mirta000,girl,gamer,GDQ,games done quick,Final Fantasy 8,speedrun,luzbelheim,luzbel,gatekeeping,censorship,ban,18 month,18 month ban,Final Fantasy VIII,

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