
'Keynote: Drop Your Tools – Does Expertise have a Dark Side?' - Dr Sean Brady (LCA 2020)

'Keynote: Drop Your Tools – Does Expertise have a Dark Side?' - Dr Sean Brady (LCA 2020) Dr Sean Brady

All professionals possess some measure of expertise, and not only is this expertise useful, it is usually also necessary to do the job. In general, this expertise is viewed as a good thing.

But what if there is an issue with expertise? Is expertise always a good thing?

This presentation will discuss how expertise has limitations when it is applied outside its normal area of application, and how these limitations will typically not be evident to the individual applying the expertise. Further, even in situations where evidence suggests the application of the expertise is inappropriate, it is likely that an individual will continue to apply their expertise regardless of its inappropriateness.

To explore these issues the presentation will examine the behaviour of a group of firefighters fighting a wildfire in Mann Gulch in the US in 1949, it will look at psychological studies that examine the concept of Priming, and it will discuss how the game of baseball can assist in unravelling why expertise can sometimes let us down. is a conference about the Linux operating system, and all aspects of the thriving ecosystem of Free and Open Source Software that has grown up around it. Run since 1999, in a different Australian or New Zealand city each year, by a team of local volunteers, LCA invites more than 500 people to learn from the people who shape the future of Open Source. For more information on the conference see

Produced by NDV: #linux #foss #opensource

Tue Jan 14 09:10:00 2020 at Arena


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