In a video posted to Instagram by The B– Bible podcast host Jackie Schimmel, Hough, 31, lays face down on a massage table while Amaral works with her “energy field,” as he explained on The Goop Lab. The Netflix show features various alternative treatments and practices and is hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow and the Goop team.“The human body has an energy field and we’re processing the world through it,” Amaral said during “The Energy Experience” episode of the show. “The more connected you are energetically, the healthier you will feel.”
Hough and Paltrow, respond to the energy healing through contortions and in Hough’s case, loud moaning. Amaral’s websitedescribes the reaction this way: “When John is working on Gwyneth, he’s interacting with her field of energy, and that interaction has a visible reaction in the body.” The site describes him as “an energy practitioner, author, educator and founder of the Energy Flow Formula, a somatic energy healing practice.”
“The first time that John worked on me, I really just cried,” Paltrow said on The Goop Lab.Hough was given the treatment by Dr. John Amaral, a specialist in energetic bodywork who calmly explained nothing was amiss, just that Hough was experiencing energy moving through her body."There’s always a huge dissipation of energy and the feeling of relief, release, freedom,” he said. "Expression of emotion may happen when the system moves...this woman is like, an incredible dancer, actress, just human being; and she has practiced just allowing things to move through."
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