
Bernie Sanders 1988 C-SPAN Talking In Regards To Women Being President Bernie Sanders Our #46🇺🇸💙

Bernie Sanders 1988 C-SPAN Talking In Regards To Women Being President Bernie Sanders Our #46🇺🇸💙 This is an 18 second clip from Democracy NOW! On 2020 January 15 we woke to a morning where front-runners Sanders & Warren go head to head on a he said she said. He didn't say a Woman couldn't be President. She said that she doesn't want to delve further into the scenario. A scenario she created through spin doctoring. She did the same when promised she'd give Sanders the 2016 nod, instead backed Hillary Clinton's campaign last minute in 2016. It devestated USA's democracy to this day and we need someone like Bernie to end the lies put in place by people like Warren, in Billionaires pockets, she is NOT trustworthy in regards to if she can she be President or not. Considering her rug pulled under trickery, I'd say she's going to bow out before too long.

#BernieSanders #DemocracyNOW #FeelTheBern,

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