
Avocado is a natural medicine: 10 reasons to eat it as soon as possible

Avocado is a natural medicine: 10 reasons to eat it as soon as possible Avocado is a natural medicine: 10 reasons to eat it as soon as possible. In European countries, the prices of this ripe and creamy little fruit have soared, raising healthy food to the rank of essential foodies! Chirashi, bruschetta, nachos, guacamole, so many gastronomic variations that delight gourmands and enhance the flavors of all dishes. And this love for the Avocado materializes on social networks since on Instagram there are more than 5 million photos with the hashtag "avocado". And this craze is entirely justified since the superfood is a wealth of benefits for those who make it their healthy ally! Here are 10 reasons why you should consume this fruit every day.

A victim of true mania, the Avocado has managed to hold the palm of the most "trendy" food of this decade. The hipsters' fault? Nothing is less certain since the fruit was classified in 2015 as the most popular fruit on the Pinterest photo sharing network. And avocado fanatics are right because it is an unstoppable source of benefit. Rich in good fats, full of nutrients, combined with good vision: these are just 3 benefits of consuming this creamy fruit every day. In poke bowl or sandwich, the superfood can give you 10 health benefits that you would be wrong to do without.

The benefits of avocado.
1. Avocado, a wealth of nutrients.
A small portion of avocado covers a large part of the recommended nutritional intake. And due, this fruit contains many vitamins and minerals which it is good to privilege in its daily food. For a 100 g serving, it provides the body with 39% of its daily vitamin B9 needs, 20% of its vitamin E needs and 9% of its vitamin C needs, as many nutrients as it is good to consume regularly for the proper functioning of his body. By knowing its nutritional values, there is no doubt: the reputation of the Avocado is certainly not stolen!

2. Avocado, your cardiovascular ally.
Because of its content in monounsaturated fatty acids (omega 9), the star of our plates is a food to favor to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The reason ? This delicious, creamy fruit increases good cholesterol levels and has the effect of reducing triglycerides, which increase the accumulation of lipids in the arteries. A healthy habit validated by science since according to a study, this food combined with a balanced diet reduces the risks of cardiovascular disease.

3. Avocado, to prevent and fight diabetes.
To regulate your blood sugar levels, avocado is an all-natural remedy! And we owe these valuable mechanisms to the content of monounsaturated fatty acids in the food. It is scientifically proven: the consumption of this fruit is a good health gesture to maintain its glycemic index. A convincing argument to invite this food more often in our seasonal salads!

4. The Avocado, friend of your line.
Who would have believed it ? Despite its high caloric level (150 calories / 100 grams), the fruit is a food to be preferred to keep the line or lose weight. Its substantial fiber content sets in motion the satiety mechanism, an essential phenomenon for resisting unwanted cravings. According to this study, avocado helps control weight but also reduces fat metabolism in overweight people.

5. Avocado, an ally during pregnancy.
Expecting mothers should be delighted with this news which will encourage them not to skimp on the Avocado. And for good reason, this creamy fruit is rich in folates, an essential nutrient for the good neural development of the baby. And this contribution is not alone to be the source of growth of the fetus since the food is also full of potassium and monounsaturated fats which are recommended to consolidate maternal health during pregnancy. This fact is scientifically proven since it is recommended by researchers in a diet intended for satisfactory fetal development.

6. Avocado, to preserve your bone capital.
Did you know that avocado is an ally of your bones? And for good reason, the creamy fruit triggers reducing effects on osteoarthritis, a common form of this degenerative joint disease. Reason enough to invite him more often to a varied and balanced diet.

7. The Avocado, the friend of your eyes.
Like the carrot, the creamy fruit is a food to recommend to preserve his vision. And for good reason, avocado contains zeaxanthin and lutein, phytochemicals that improve the absorption of carotene, a substance essential for eye health.

8. Avocado, an unstoppable source of magnesium.
Ideal for relieving stress and overwork, magnesium is a recommended nutrient. And to find it, it is enough to favor the avocado flesh full of this mineral salt!

9. Avocado, your digestive ally.
Difficult transit? The creamy fruit is then an all natural remedy. We basically owe these digestive mechanisms to the high fiber content of the food.

10. Avocado, for more tone.
Thanks to its richness in vitamin C, avocado is a good ally for having more tone. The ascorbic acid it contains promotes greater energy, ideal for facing a busy day!


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