
4 Times ALIENS Appear In Historical Works Of Art

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4 Times Aliens Appear in Historical Works of Art

According to the Ancient Aliens Theory, UFOs and aliens have visited us in the past And that we owe our modern existence to their presence and intervention. Is this real? Is there any proof ancient mankind once interacted with beings from outer space? The next 4 pieces of art could serve as strong proof they have. These are 4 Times Aliens Appeared in Historical Works of Art.

4. Wandjina Rock Art

In the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony, Australia presented traditional songs and dances from Australian Aboriginal people. In one segment, they presented what is an ancient mark, the representation of a Wandjina - a mouthless, large-eyed figure.

3. Sego Canyon Petroglyphs

Just north of Thompson Springs in Utah, Sego Canyon is a quick side trip from I-70 for those who are interested in prehistoric rock art. But what makes the ancient artwork at Sego Canyon so unique is it features unusual-looking figures that some say are creatures not from this world.

Sego Canyon petroglyphs and pictographs were created by several cultures over a span of 8,000 years. The images depict large beings or creatures with haunting hollow or large eyes. Most with no arms or legs, sometimes with antennae or a halo around them.

2. Rock Drawings in Val Camonica

Known for having the largest collection of rock drawings in the world, Val Camonica contains over 250,000 petroglyphs spread over 6 locations in the valley of the Italian Alps.

Specifically located in the Province of Brescia, Italy, the collection of rock drawings was recognized as the first Italian World Heritage Site in 1979. It was initially believed to contain over 140,000 drawings of symbols and figures created by ancient man from as far back as 8,000 B.C. But over time, more and more images and drawings have been cataloged and it now numbers over 250,000. The drawings are spread out in these areas: Darfo Boario Terme, Nadro, Paspardo, Capo di Ponte and Cimbergo.

1. Tassili n’Ajjer Paintings

Located in Southern Algeria, the Tassili n’Ajjer is a large and vast desert plateau that runs between the regions of Niger and Libya. The entire region covers 72,000 square kilometers. For thousands of years, the climate in the area, coupled with extreme erosion, has left behind amazing geological features that include stunning stone pillars, beautiful natural arches, and deep canyons.

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