
2 Surefire Ways to Make a Man Fall in Love With You!

2 Surefire Ways to Make a Man Fall in Love With You! 2 Surefire Ways to Make a Man Fall in Love With You!
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Can you really do certain things in a relationship to make a man fall in love with you? Of course you can! Using the right tools and knowledge, when it comes to relationships, will allow you to manipulate a man's feelings to make him want you bad or even make him fall in love with you.

There have been relationship therapists that have claimed there is little you can do to change the way a man feels. If you think about, that's absurd! You can easily change the way a man feels for you by making an effort to give him what he is looking for in a relationship!

Take a look at these proven ways to make a man fall in love with you:

#1 Figure Out What He is Looking For in a Relationship

Men are funny creatures. Sometimes they can be the hardest thing to figure out and at other times they can be read like a book. If you want to make him want you bad, you're going to have to exceed his expectations by figuring out what he is looking for in a relationship. For your sake, you hope to hear that he is looking for a woman that will act as his companion and best friend for the rest of his life. Depending on his place in life, he might be looking for a far more casual relationship.

Once you've decided what turns him on, it's time to go deeper. Test him on what he is looking for in a relationship by trying out different ways to impress him. Plan a night where you can make him an unannounced home-cooked dinner. Take notes and analyze if it lifted his mood or the interactions between the two of you. After a week has passed, leave him a note reminding him how much you care for him. Take note of his reaction. If he loved the note, it means that he is a man that needs to be appreciated and cared for so make a habit out of it. After you've "tested" and found what he is looking in a relationship, make it a priority to give him what he needs on a consistent basis.

#2 Don't Let Go of Your Independence

Out of desperation to make a man fall in love, women often think that the more attention and time they give their man - the faster he will fall in love. Again, this is a huge misconception made by women. Do you think you're going to make a man fall in love with you by gluing yourself to his side? Never.

Men are humans and need their space, just as you do. The typical man also finds it very attractive when a woman shows her independence. The reasoning behind this is because an independent woman lets a man know that he will not be totally responsible to fulfill her every need (physical, emotionally and spiritually).

If you've lost site of your independence in your relationship - now is the time to get it back if you want to make him want you bad. Go back to doing the things that you loved to do before you were in the relationship. Reunite with the girlfriends or plan a weekend trip with your mom and sisters!

These tricks are the best place to start if you want to make a fall in love with you. It may take a little bit of time, but trust that adding these things into your relationship will encourage him to accelerate his feelings for you!

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