
The National ID ACT is the same thing Germany was doing during WW2

The National ID ACT is the same thing Germany was doing during WW2 TO SUPPORT US DONATE TO US GO TO PAYPAL click on
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thank you to copper aborigines and itree roots for thier research here is some now
Copper Aboriginies

These are the same types that went on the attack about the free forms to correct your own status back to American by using the SS-5 form and SF 181 form. What other forms helps our people that these groups has been using over the years that have helped our people nationwide? Answer you have to join these groups and sign over your birth rights to their groups or organizations but in the end your the ones left out to dry and being arrested for that groups paperwork right. Well who's been arrested for correcting their own status using the SS-5 form and SF 181 form, not one individual that's our record compared to all these groups and socalled organizations out here this even included churches too. I'm coming from a lawful stand point not a legal stand point. Everyone regardless of skin color must fill these two forms out to correct their status, this protects you from that ID ACT the sister Nobel El is speaking about, all United States corporate citizens will comply but we who are Americans don't comply with this Act which isn't Law its enforcement by the corporations that are acting like their the government. The National ID ACT is the same thing Germany was doing during WW2, so who really was these socalled germans in the first place, cause their here in America as the shadow government put things in place to enslave the people here in America as the United States corporate citizens slave. The only way out, is to become an American, SS-5 form and SF 181 does this for our people I've shown this and told this to many. I cant wait to here from those same people who claimed who they are, and they didn't need these forms but I noticed the add on using the American Indian now with those who made claim their not Indians. I noticed these same folks aren't attacking Indians these day's, did the Indians save all these people, did Indians redeem these people from being enslaved I'll say we did. Now! In a few days, I'll tell these socalled whites their truths and what they can claim as well. See I'm not going to sit around with corrupted people who use color as a badge of hate, now I know you'll don't know how to help certain socalled whites who aren't really white either. Their is a non Meleninted people who are directly linked to us but they don't really know how to correct the status but I'll speak to sister Nobel El off post about this and how sister can help those in Canada. To the corrupted and ya'll who followed the corrupted, 4 words tore your whole network down in less then a year, 4 words destroyed ya'lls organizations in 2019. I told ya'll when I was done with you, you wouldn't be able to sell one package for 0.50 cents 4 words did this. 2020, y'all be under the Hammer, until the day your marched out of the land on ships and gone. Thank Almighty Haya your gone let freedom ring. We have much work to do American Indians, I told you'll the American Indians are the most powerful people in the land, all now know it's true I didn't lie to you, but these folks when crazy attacking me lol now their quiet as a church mouse.
here is part of the meaning for the word act
act (n.) late 14c., "a thing done," from Latin actus "a doing; a driving, impulse, a setting in motion; a part in a play," and actum "a thing done" (originally a legal term), both from agere "to set in motion, drive, drive forward," hence "to do, perform," figuratively "incite to action; keep in movement, stir up," a verb with a broad range of meaning in Latin, including "act on stage, play the part of; plead a cause at law; chase; carry off, steal;" from PIE root *ag- "to drive, draw out or forth, move." Theatrical ("part of a play," 1510s) and legislative (early 15c.)
Attention all international authoriites globally go and find all these nazi communists dba germans presenting and creating all these fraud treason acts aka the REAL ID act and charge them for treason if for whatever reason our judges were in fact trying to help us by telling us all to nationalize do not subject them to said treason charges as they are in fact heirs to the worlds vast estate however stop this genocide fraud and treason by: Nobel Honorabel Ang El Inah D Al Phette El all rights reserved
black america is the democratic party prostitute really wow we thought it was one big nazi party dba democratic party trying to overun the republic as they were placed in the color of law status known as civilter mortus dead in the eyes of the law
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