
Targeted Individuals Are Jesus's Holy Bloodline: Isaiah 53:10, Romans 11:16

Targeted Individuals Are Jesus's Holy Bloodline: Isaiah 53:10, Romans 11:16 I covered a lot of ground explaining how scripture explains about what is happening in this secret persecution program, and how these "wicked devices" get turned back onto those who are perpetrating these crimes against humanity (against the Bride of Christ). I also looked at the confluence between scriptures pertaining to a time reversal and speeding forward again; the slingshot effect, which ironically, is the same slingshot effect that God will perform when He reverses all the wicked devices onto those who have been perpetrating them on us. Our sins will be attached to them, just as I have been saying all along. One small correction: At 36:12, I meant to say Romans 11:17 is the chapter which spoke about the wild grapes being the bride of Christ, which has now been changed to wild olive tree. (Wild olive tree can also symbolize the Levitical anointing on the bride of Christ.) Romans 11 also speaks about this weapons system and how it will be reversed onto the perpetrators of the same. Romans 11:16 also speaks about how the descendants of the root (which is Jesus) are also holy. 16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches. We ARE the branches of the vine of Christ.

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