
PIC attack: Karachi lawyers threaten doctors of similar treatment

PIC attack: Karachi lawyers threaten doctors of similar treatment A group of lawyers has threatened doctors in Karachi of similar treatment as was given by members of their fraternity to the medical practitioners in Lahore.

In the video a lawyer of Karachi Bar Council can be seen glorifying the attack on the cardio hospital in Lahore. In the same breath, he said that no hospital would be spared whether public or private.

Another lawyer interrupted threatening that if doctors and police took any action against them then they would thrash them badly. One other lawyer welcomed the act of vandalizing of medical facility in Punjab.

The first lawyer said they would not spare doctors anywhere in the country and if they wanted protection, they should seek apology from them. “Whether you are a doctor at Jinnah hospital or any other hospital in Karachi.”


PIC Attack,Karachi,Lahore,Doctors,Lawyers,Karachi Bar Council,cardio hospital,Jinnah hospital,

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