
January 20, 2020: A Chance to Show your TRUE Quality ~ Rex Reviews

January 20, 2020: A Chance to Show your TRUE Quality ~ Rex Reviews Virginia Citizens Defense League will be holding the most important Lobby Day Rally that has ever been had on Monday January 20th, 2020! If you care about holding fast to your ability to defend your civil liberties in the slightest then it is vital that you show up at this rally! Please note this is a peaceful rally NOT an adolescent protest, as seen elsewhere in the world! It is imperative that we all keep each-other in check to maintain strict discipline, strength of reservation, rock solid fortitude, and stand tall with righteous conviction - all praying that the message can be delivered with truth and grace during this highly volatile time. See commentaries for a link to the event details from the VCDL.

Main points communicated in this video:
1. Any entity that seeks to confiscate arms from good people has criminal intent - PERIOD. We will NOT relinquish them!
2. There is a cost to defending Liberty.
3. How to actually win. How to loose.
4. Evading potential traps and understanding the essence of UW.
5. Qu Bono... if things fall apart?
6. Defining allies.
7. Suggested actions, dispositions, and motivations.


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