
It's Star Wars Time Again

It's Star Wars Time Again I'm definitely a Star Wars fan. I mean, you can see what I'm wearing in this video. It's also not impossible that there are two Star Wars ornaments on the tiny tree beside me. However, you can be fond of a thing while still being aware that it is the cultural equivalent of the Borg (yes, I just made a Star Trek reference in the description of a Star Wars song. Fight me).

I actually originally wrote and performed this song shortly before The Last Jedi came out, but it works nearly as well in 2019. There are no spoilers in the song (beyond one for The Force Awakens, but if you don't yet know what happens to Han Solo in that one, congratulations on staying off the Internet since 2015) because I wrote it before I saw either The Last Jedi OR The Rise of Skywalker.


It's Star Wars Time Again

Come one, come all: let's gather together
And joyfully celebrate with fun and cheer!
Make splendid the hall and speculate whether
It's going to be amazing this year.
The children are dressing up, nobody's messing up,
Everyone waits in an orderly line.
Come one, come all: let's gather together
And trust that it's going to be perfectly fine...

It's Star Wars time again.
The blasters will chime again.
The bad guys do crime again,
Or are the good guys the criminals?
That's never been clear.
Let's all sing a Star Wars song,
Now well over two hours long.
So cool, though the physics is wrong.
That's all right.
It's Star Wars time again.

Come little children and pick up your sabers,
Some green and some blue and some purple and red.
Play Kylo Ren versus Rey with your neighbours
While making sure--spoilers--Han Solo is dead.
We'll traipse to the new movie, bearing our tiny
Remote-controlled replicas of BB-8,
And when someone tells us Luke Skywalker's whiny,
We'll say "Screw the light side" and give in to hate.

It's Star Wars day again.
We're off on our way again.
We're rooting for Rey again,
Though if she goes Dark Side, we may have
To switch off to Finn.
And Star Wars is just the best.
We live for a good space quest.
Let's hope the films pass the test:
No Jar Jar Binks.
It's Star Wars day again.

What fun to remember the Death Star
And the second Death Star as well,
And Starkiller Base, which was really a Death Star,
But bigger so there were more models to sell.
We can't wait for the next Death Star.
We're longing to learn its name.
The best thing about Star Wars
Is it's always different, and always the same.

Come middle-aged people who went to the first films
And lived through the dark times the prequels were here.
You know in your hearts that those ones were the worst films,
But what if they weren't? Thus you still live in fear.
A hundred more films may be stretched out before us,
Consuming our lives and our children's lives too,
But that's okay! Come join in the chorus
So we can say Merry Star Wars to you.

It's Star Wars year again.
Come join in the cheer again.
It will always be here again,
And next year, and next year, and next year,
And next year, repeat.
Come, put on your Star Wars hat
While petting your Star Wars cat
And thanking the Star Wars that
Against all odds,
It's Star Wars year again.

It's Star Wars time again.
The blasters will chime again.
The bad guys do crime again,
Or are the good guys the criminals?
That's never been clear.
Let's all sing a Star Wars song,
Now well over two hours long.
So cool, though the physics is wrong.
That's all right.
It's Star Wars time again.
It's Star Wars day again.
It's Star Wars year again.
It's Star Wars life again.
It's Star Wars time again.

original song,original,song,ukulele,Star Wars,Christmas,funny,humour,affectionate parody,

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