
How To Be Detached in Daily Life

How To Be Detached in Daily Life Ashin Sarana explains how to decrease and get free from all attachment through meditation on the repulsiveness of one's own body and observing the mind. Then Ashin Sarana suggests that understanding not-self in mind and body leads to the understanding of the ultimate layer of reality, but the conventional layer of reality should be wisely handled hand in hand with the ultimate.

Filmed by Ko Nyi Nyi Tun on the 20th of September 2019, in Thabarwa Yeikthar, Thanlyin, Myanmar. Subtitles prepared Ko Htun Soe Naing.

May all beings be happy and healthy.

detachment,analaya,Theravada Buddhism,Theravada,Sammuti Sacca,sammuti,Paramattha sacca,paramattha,ultimate truth,conventional truth,cittanupassana,asubha bhavana,vipassana,insight meditation,

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