
Highlights of Angelo's B Swimming Diploma Exam

Highlights of Angelo's B Swimming Diploma Exam The Dutch Swimming Diploma's (A, B, C) are challenging to get. Angelo recived his A diploma about 9 months after moving here and he has not received his B diploma.

This is a video of the highlights of his exam.

Here are the requirments for the diploma:

B diploma Swimming survival

Compulsory parts:

Wearing extra clothing: socks, a sleeveless shirt, trousers, a long-sleeved T-shirt and sports shoes

1. Jump into the water while making half a turn and tread water for 15 seconds

2. Then, swim breaststroke for 50 metres, while swimming under a mat 1 time, and then swim singular

backstroke for 50 metres

Wearing swimming gear:

1. Jump into the water any way you like (preferably using a head jump) and swim under water for 6 metres

while going through a hoop/hole in a vertically hanging canvas

2. Jump into the water using a squat jump and swim breaststroke for 75 metres. During swimming, go

through a semi-loop 1 time, which is placed on the bottom at 1.40 metres deep, and climb over a floating

mat 1 time

3. Do a forward roll into the water and swim 50 metres of singular backstroke

4. Using a head grip/armpit grip/cross-chest hold, carry a friend to the other side for 15 metres

5. In the water, push yourself away from the side and swim front crawl for 10 metres

6. In the water, push yourself away from the side and swim back crawl for 10 metres

7. To close, tread water for one minute with arms akimbo during the final 30 seconds

Non-compulsory parts, but the child selects 2 out of 3 parts

1. Do a forward roll into the water and swim under water for 5 metres towards the middle of the pool, come

up and hold the heat escape lessening position (HELP) for 20 seconds (a piece of board/empty Coca Cola or

Fanta bottle/a ball)

2. Jump into the water using a squat jump and swim to the capsized boat. Swim under the boat, take a deep

breath, drop under water and swim to a cone that is placed on the bottom 2 or 3 metres ahead

3. Jump into the water carrying a bag (large plastic shopping bag/garbage bag) filled with air and float on it

for 20 seconds. Then, swim on your back for 5 metres using sculling


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