
Component Standard Working Group - Leigh Capili, Weaveworks & Michael Taufen, Google

Component Standard Working Group - Leigh Capili, Weaveworks & Michael Taufen, Google Join us for Kubernetes Forums Seoul, Sydney, Bengaluru and Delhi - learn more at

Don't miss KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2020 events in Amsterdam March 30 - April 2, Shanghai July 28-30 and Boston November 17-20! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects

Component Standard Working Group - Leigh Capili, Weaveworks & Michael Taufen, Google

The Component Standard Working group is charged to develop a standard foundation (philosophy and libraries) for core Kubernetes components to build on top of. Areas to standardize include configuration (flags, ComponentConfig APIs, ...), status endpoints (healthz, configz, ...), integration points (delegated authn/z, ...), and logging. In this talk we will outline current progress and challenges and how new contributors can get engaged.


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